I've been writing Laravel since version 4.1.
During that time I've automated the upgrade of 30,000 Laravel applications and personally upgraded hundreds of Laravel codebases.
If there's one thing I've learned from all this, it's that adopting the conventions and features provided by Laravel make crafting and maintaining your Laravel applications easier.
But, that's not always so clear. There are all sorts of ways to write your application code. Even Laravel provides multiple ways to do the same thing.
So how do we choose?
In BaseCode, I focus on practices which provide less complex, more readable code. This lays a foundation. But what does that look like in Laravel?
Lately I've been sharing ways to streamline Laravel on Twitter. These have gotten a fair amount likes, and generated some good discussion.
So I took these and other proven streamlines and expanded on them to create a free field guide. That's right, FREE!
It's a field guide, not a book.
BaseLaravel outlines a set of core principles which serve as motivation behind all of the practices for streamlining Laravel applications.
These principles and practices include:
- Writing code that prioritizes readability by humans, not a computer
- Following conventions from Laravel and the community
- Introducing objects to encapsulate complexity
- Abstracting large components into supporting Laravel components
- Avoiding tangled application components by honoring MVC
- Improving code flow with symmetry
- Making your Laravel applications easier to maintain
- Understanding refactoring is an incremental process and not immediate
This isn't a book, it's a field guide. BaseLaravel applies everyday practices to everyday code. There's no fluff. No theory. I refactor real-world code to demonstrate the evolution of code.
Each topic is neatly organized into a chapter. You don’t need to read it cover to cover. You are welcome to choose your own adventure. If you have a codebase with a lot of controllers, read Controllers. Bogged down in the data layer, read Models. Crafting a lot of Blade templates, read Views.
What's available in each kit?
Field Guide
Every kit includes the first 3 chapters of BaseLaravel.
- Introduction: Principles
Chapter 1: Controllers
- Temporary Variables
- Request Object
- Form Requests
- Middleware
- Dispatching Jobs
- Responding with Resources
Chapter 2: Models
- Inheritance
- The order of things
- Creation Methods
- Accessors, Mutators, and Casts
- Query Methods
- Eloquent Collections
Chapter 3: Views
- Modern Directives
- Template Hierarchies
- Stacks
- Error Handling
- Be Dumb
- Components
- Epilogue: Moving Forward
Code Samples
Every kit also includes a download of the complete code examples used in BaseLaravel. The folders are organized by chapter and files are named for each the example with before
and after
suffixes for comparison.
Group Q&A Calls
With the Premium Kit you also get access to the group calls. These will be live-streams lasting about 20 minutes each where you can ask me any questions so you get the most out of BaseLaravel.
Bonus Chapter
The Premium Kit also includes a bonus chapter:
Chapter 4: Additional Streamlines
- Config Files
- Fluent Method Chains
- Container
- Macros
- Exception Handling
- Real Time Facades
- Events
Refactoring Videos
Finally, the Premium Kit includes over 2 hours of additional video content which demo the BaseLaravel practices in action by refactoring real-world Laravel applications.
It's all a WIP
Deciding on Middleware
Maximizing Form Requests
Using real time Facades
Leveraging custom exceptions
Streamlining Controllers
Automating these streamlines
Routing tips and tricks
Breaking up views
Structuring Models
Streamlining Eloquent queries
Keep on WIP'n
Choose your kit
Free Kit
Read the BaseLaravel principles and practices to start streamlining your Laravel applications.
First 3 chapters of BaseLaravel
Download PDF, epub, or mobi
Complete code samples
Forever free updates
Premium Kit
Not only read, but see these streamlines in action, as well as ask specific questions in group calls.
Everything included in the Free Kit
Chapter 4: Additional Streamlines
Monthly group Q&A calls
10 Bonus Videos
These are historic times. That's one of the reasons I made BaseLaravel free. However, if you are a student, live in a country with low purchasing power, or otherwise can not afford the Premium Kit, feel free to email me.
Frequently asked questions
- Can I pay with PayPal?
Sure. Just send payment to orders@pureconcepts.net and I'll get your account set up.
- What if I can't make one of the group Q&A calls?
No worries. You can send me your questions ahead of time and I'll answer them during the call. You can watch the recording at your convenience.

Who is JMac?
Hi. I'm Jason McCreary. I go by JMac because I always seem to work with other programmers named Jason.
I love building things and sharing my knowledge. I created Laravel Shift, recorded Confident Laravel, wrote BaseCode, and speak at conferences.
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